Welcome to Urban Impact!

Back to Winter/Spring Programming january 13

Our Mission

Urban Impact’s mission is to offer youth from the Bridgeport PT Barnum public housing complex educational opportunities through ‘in-school’ & ‘after-school’ activities. These include one-on-one and small-group tutoring and mentoring with the purpose of helping youth achieve academic success, develop positive character traits and lead a fulfilling life. 

Urban Impact runs 5 weekly programs (no cost for the participants!) for the at-risk youth of PT Barnum.  Over the last 12 months, we have reached 479 different kids and engaged with these kids for over 13,128 hours.  There are 397 active kids (some kids go to all our programs) at our weekly programs.


Serve & Make An Impact! 

Now is the perfect time to join our team! Consider volunteering as a mentor, a tutor, or sponsoring a meal for one of our programs! The kids and adults of PT Barnum appreciate your service. We have serving opportunities Monday through Thursday! Click the link to learn more!  

Learn More Here

Your Donation Changes Lives!

Every week we work with over 150 kids and adults. Your donation allows us to continue to serve everyone in PT Barnum and change lives for the better!

Donate Now


Programs With Urban Impact


Primetime & Primetime JR (Mentoring Programs on Monday Nights)

Revolution (Mentoring on Tuesday Nights)

XLR8 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday early evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 PM)

Kid Power (Week days 10:00 - 2:00 PM)

High School Hoops (Wednesday Nights)

Learn more about our programs and how you can get involved here


Get Involved With Urban Impact Today


Urban Impact is an organization that is run entirely by volunteers.  We have over 100 people who serve with us on a weekly basis, and we would love for you to join us in serving in one of our various programs.  Please read the descriptions below about ways to volunteer, and contact us about getting started with an application.  All volunteers must must submit an application and go through a screening process before serving in any of our programs involving kids.  This process should not scare you but should help you know that we value each and every volunteer as well as our children.

Please contact us at info@urbanimpactct.org if you would like to serve.  We will contact you in return about how to get the process started.



Your Financial Support Helps Us Change Lives

All money donated goes towards the programs sponsored by Urban Impact. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Donate online or mail in your donation. Receipts will be mailed to you at the address provided. We thank you for all donations.

If you would like to send a donation through the mail, please mail a check to the following address: 
P.O. Box 3716 Bridgeport, CT 06605


 Highlight Reel!